IBK Abroad 

The „Institut für Internationale Bildungskooperation an der Hochschule Merseburg gGmbH“ („IBK“, engl. Institute for international educational cooperations) is a non-profit affiliated institute of the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. Our mission is to develop, organize and support international education projects.  

Starting in the winter semester 2023/24, IBK gGmbH will offer interested program participants, foreign students, apprentices, and professionals the opportunity to take the telc examination for levels A1, A2, B1, B2 (also for care workers) as well as C1 on the premises of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. 

telc certifications are considered an essential prerequisite for entry to Germany as a professional. They also serve as the basis for foreign participants’ access to higher education and apprenticeship in Germany. 

Next to the premises in Merseburg, it is also possible to take the telc examination at our branch office in Hanoi with our partner TACOM. The focus is on telc examinations (levels A2 and B1) for prospective students who either attend a further language course at the State Preparatory Language College at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences or directly take up studies at the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. Furthermore, foreign professionals or those interested in an apprenticeship can take the telc examination to continue their professional development in Germany. IBK gGmbH also assists with the administrative processes for entry into Germany. 

We are offering different dates for examinations at our test center to give students more choice. The location for examination is indicated below. 

What is telc? 

telc examinations are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages. telc examinations are conducted by Telc – gGmbH.  

With a telc language certificate, you can prove your language skills at all levels of competence of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).  

telc language examinations are developed by leading didacticians and test specialists. It goes without saying that the language examinations are constantly checked for validity, reliability and objectivity, thus guaranteeing the highest level of quality. telc is a member of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE). 

telc language certificates are recognized by universities, companies and government agencies throughout the German-speaking world as well as internationally. 

For more information on telc examinations, you can also visit the telc website directly.

Exam structure 

The test structure consists of two parts (2 modules) 

Form of examination Baustein Test B1B2
Written examination

Reading comprehension 
Language modules 

Listening comprehension 
Written expression 


Speaking examination Together with another participant 1515

Calculation of the score 

1. Passing the test

The total score of the test is 300. In order to obtain the B1 and B2 degrees, you must score at least 180 points. Divided between the two exam formats, this includes: 

  • The written test must achieve at least 135/225 points 
  • The speaking test must reach at least 45/75 points 

2. Types of degrees

  • 270-300.0 points – very good  
  • 240-269.5 points – good  
  • 210-239.5 points – satisfactory  
  • 180-209.5 points – sufficient (passed) 

What cost are involved for me? 

B1 writing + speaking 5.500.000 VND
B1 writing or speaking 4.500.000 VND

The organization and financial obligations of the on-site examination in Hanoi are carried out by our contractual partner Talent Community (TACOM). You will therefore receive an invoice issued by TACOM.